Jun 30, 2008

I’m Sorry!

I can’t believe it has been over two months since I last wrote a post! My apologies to those of you that came here over that time and saw the same post over and over. Well, I no longer have any excuses because I turned in our manuscript to the graphic designer this weekend.

For the past two months, anytime I was at the computer, I was working on the book, Going Green with Baby. I don’t even want to count the nights that I put the kids to bed at 8 PM, fell asleep in their bed, woke up at 11 PM and stayed up until 3 or 4 AM to work on the book. It is impossible to get any work done with an almost 5 year old and a 2-½ year old running around.

To make up for it, I have lots of pictures, posts, Friday Finds stored away in my mind that I need to start writing. Maybe even a summer contest soon – hint hint…

1 comment:

Yoli said...

yeah! your posting againg! well i'm glad you got your book all set. that's great. thanks for the comment we are so for in the clear and i hope you guys stay safe too.
So, hit me up for one of your contests...hint, hint!