Feb 1, 2008

Friday Find: Painted Map Pendants

Lately, I have been into bird-related accessories. I think the influence stems from my children. “Bird” was one of the first words for both of them. Although, their first actual reference to birds was calling them, “pee-pee” (like a chirping) along with a bird hand sign.

This necklace is made by Rachel Austin in Portland, Oregon. The square pendant has two birds on a wire over a field of poppies that are painted unto a map and sealed in resin. The pendant came with a 17” ball chain necklace. I get so many compliments on mine. Lautaro loves to point at my necklace and say “bird.” I also bought one with one bird for my children’s preschool teacher, and she loves hers as well.

Rachel’s Etsy shop features her unique artwork that has a simple and alluring style. In addition to the map pendant jewelry, she also does canvas size paintings on maps. She has a watercolor aerial farm series, which is a modern take on crop circles. Her vibrant oil paintings on wood panels feature abstract shapes and textures. My favorites are her layered paintings scenes, such as birds or a field of poppies, on top of maps on wood panels and her new seed drawings.

You can also visit her website to see more of her artwork and find out which galleries and locations feature her work. Be sure to read about her recent Hotel Project.

Thanks to Rachel for providing the great photos. 

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